The Institute
The National Collaborative Institute of Leadership's (NCIL) Certificate in Executive Leadership Program will equip church leaders, key leaders of non-profit ecumenical businesses/ organizations, as well as administration & supervisory leaders in Christian Education ministries or Christian schools, as well as secular business managers, all with the vital skills and abilities necessary for effective leadership in today's postmodern and globalized society.
The National Collaborative Institute of Leadership's (NCIL) highly respected Certificate in Executive Ecclesial Leadership (CEEL) track and courses, equips national, regional, district ecclesial leaders, and local pastors, key leaders of Christian institutions, as well as Secular Business leaders for missional leadership across broad based departments, facilities, and vicinities. This flagship program draws on the development of adaptive leadership and transformational theories and practices for enhancing one’s ability in increasing the relevance, attraction, and continuity to one’s organization(s). Similarly, NCIL’s Certificate in Executive Ecumenical Non-Profit Organizational Leadership (CEENOL) track and courses provides broader church or non-profit leaders with the skills and abilities that are vital for effective transformative ethical business management as a Christian ministry. By using 21st Century tactics, you will receive tools for strategic planning, navigating funding, inspiring volunteerism, and mobilizing corporate participation in the “helps industry”. Last and likewise, NCIL’s Certificate in Executive Administration in Christian Education & Christian Schools (CEACES) track and courses will hone in on adaptive leadership applications for broadening the scope of courses, instruction, as well as the emerging types of instructors and students for setting forth a flagship Christian School or Christian Education Ministry of a church or convention.