NCIL Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan

The National Collaborative Institute of Leadership's (NCIL) Strategic Plan is significant for the Institute's short- and long-term growth, direction, and sustainability. NCIL's Strategic Plan develops a vision for the next five years with a set of emergent and transformative objectives and measurable goals to inform decisions regarding the Institute's priorities, investments, programs, and initiatives. The NCIL Strategic Plan highlights the strategic direction that the Institute will take during its initial and next planning and assessment cycles. During its initial cycles, the Business Plan will include the Strategic Plan, because these overlapping plans together include opportunities to grow our current minimal assets and programming simultaneously to ensure an increased impact in education, research, and expansions, as well as to receive recommendations for executing its own actions based on these findings.

Strategic Planning Model


The development of NCIL's institutional strategic plan entails institution-wide involvement for success. The institutional plan is developed for a 5-year cycle and will be assessed yearly to measure success, institute changes for improvement creating basis for its initiatives, and make adjustments to the institutional plan based on the results of assessments. Each year institutional priorities will be reviewed, assessed, and modified if necessary.


NCIL's Program level planning follows the Institutional Model in that each Program Director develops a plan for their area that supports the Institutional goals and objectives. The yearly plans for each academic program and support units will be entered into a flowchart and database that will directly highlight and support the Program's goals and objectives.

The End of Year Course Assessment report will guide the course level planning. Leader-learners' learning outcomes that have been developed based on best practices in the discipline will be reviewed and assessed to ensure quality instruction and learning. Each course is intricately linked and is impacted by the Institute's mission, the institutional goals, assessment strategies within academic programs and administration's services units, and the incorporation of results into the planning process for improvement.